
CloudFormation resource provider credentials leak

Published Tue, Sep 22nd, 2020


CloudFormation allows the use of Lambda-backed resource providers, wherein Lambda can be used to write custom provisioning logic to be executed during CloudFormation stack operations. The aforementioned Lambda functions were executed in an AWS-managed account (thus effectively allowing arbitrary code execution in that account), and were passed a set of credentials ("platformCredentials") for a role in this account that had several EventBridge permissions. These were sufficient for an attacker to create new rules in the AWS-managed account that leaked credentials belonging to other users of resource providers. For example, creating a rule that matched events with {"detail-type": ["AWS API Call via CloudTrail"]} exposed records of other tenants' API calls, which included copies of credentials for roles in other tenants' accounts.

Affected Services



None required

Tracked CVEs

No tracked CVEs


Disclosure Date
Tue, Jan 21st, 2020
Exploitablity Period
Known ITW Exploitation
Detection Methods
Piercing Index Rating
Discovered by
Aidan Steele